McLean, VA Gummy Smile Periodontist Achieve a harmonious smile

Professional gum reductions for a more confident smile

A gummy smile happens when too much of your gum shows above your teeth when you smile. If you’re looking for a more balanced look, our McLean VA gummy smile correction treatment might be just what you need. This procedure carefully reshapes the excess gum tissue to reveal more of your teeth, creating a well-proportioned smile.

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Dr. Hasan is an expert in fine-tuning the balance between your gums and teeth for that perfect smile ratio. With our specialized gum contouring procedure, you’ll see immediate improvements:

  • A more balanced smile
  • Greater confidence
  • Overall boost in how you feel about your appearance

What is gummy smile correction?

Gummy smile correction is a dental procedure that addresses excessive gum display when smiling. Treatment options such as aesthetic gum contouring and crown lengthening help create a more balanced and confident smile.

Factors such as gum health, tooth alignment, and facial aesthetics are taken into consideration to ensure the best possible results. Dr. Hasan specializes in correcting gummy smiles. He offers safe and effective care tailored to your needs, providing lasting results and renewed confidence.

Is gummy smile correction right for you?

Oral Health Benefits

Gummy smile correction creates an environment easier to clean, reducing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

Enhanced Aesthetics

Gum contouring can transform your smile by addressing excessive gum display and creating a balanced, proportionate appearance.

Improved Confidence

Eliminating a gummy smile can boost your self-confidence and enhance your overall sense of well-being.

Long-lasting Results

This treatment delivers lasting results, allowing you to enjoy a beautiful smile for years.

Female dental patient smiling

Gum Contouring Attractively Frames Your Smile

Cosmetic dental care isn’t just about your teeth—your gums play an important role in the overall look of your smile. If you feel as though you have too much gum tissue, conservative cosmetic gum contouring from Dr. Fadi Hasan can make a big difference. Dr. Hasan gently removes very tiny amounts of excess tissue, creating a balanced and flattering frame for your teeth.






Dr. Fadi Hasan


Dr. Hasan is uniquely qualified to treat excessive gingival display. As a periodontist, he specializes in aesthetic gum contouring, crown lengthening, and other procedures related to the gums. Dr. Hasan takes an interdisciplinary approach, coordinating treatment with a team of leading specialists to improve every aspect of your health and smile.

Dr. Hasan


No Referral Needed

Get started now

During your visit, Dr. Hasan will thoroughly assess your gum health, discuss your goals, and create a personalized treatment plan. We’ll discuss whether gum contouring will best address your concerns. We welcome the opportunity to solve both aesthetic and structural concerns caused by gum excess.

Learn more about gummy smiles

What causes a gummy smile?

A gummy smile can happen for a few reasons. Sometimes it’s just how your body is built — your gums might naturally cover more of your teeth. Other times, it could be because of how your teeth grew in, how your upper lip moves, or even your jawbone’s shape.

Can fixing a gummy smile improve my oral health?

While a gummy smile is often more about looks, correcting it can sometimes help with oral health. For example, reshaping the gums can make it easier to clean your teeth properly, reducing the risk of gum disease and tooth decay.

How long does it take to see results?

You’ll see changes in your smile right away! As any swelling goes down and your gums heal, your new smile will start to shine through even more. Dr. Hasan will give you all the details on recovery so you know exactly what to expect.
Fadi Hasan, DDS

Sculpt Center 
for Implants & Periodontics

No matter the state of your smile, our award-winning periodontist can improve your oral health and aesthetics. Dr. Fadi Hasan is a recognized expert on preventing, diagnosing, and treating periodontal disease and repairing smiles. He is a:

  • Member of the American Academy of Periodontology
  • Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology
  • Fellow of the Academy of Osseointegration

If you're ready to overhaul your oral health and appearance with implants and periodontics, reach out to our office at (703) 962-4119.

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